Bryce Boepple Journal entry - 4/18/2018

Short entry for tonight. Had lunch with some career professionals today at the Old Broadway which was excellent. Came home and cleaned and did homework.
Went to the gym for a quick leg workout with some cardio at the end. Didn’t go too heavy since my diet has been lacking lately. I am up to 335 for my squats and I’ll probably resume the heavier weights again next week. The workout this evening was as follows:
·       3x5 squat 225 lbs
·       3x12 Leg Press 225 lbs
·       3x12 Hamstring curls 50 lbs
·       Cardio – 30 Burpees
Still needing to incorporate some distance/endurance style running into my regimen here before it’s too late. The upcoming Spartan Race is going to be a tough event if I find myself unprepared for all the running. I’m not too worried about any of the obstacles, except for the spear throw of course.


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